A home with art

One of the biggest missed opportunities is filling blank walls in your home with art. Think for a second, you’ve got the candles lit, the lighting is covered, and your walls are empty. We are allowed to express ourselves on our walls. Just like you pick a scent for your home, your favorite lamp, and end tables for your bed, you are the creator of the collective experience that is your home. The art that you choose says a lot about you. One of my friends Jose purchased a framed original, Splatter No. 1. He sent me a video right after he hung it and continues to share how it has brightened his space. His guests notice the painting and his gratitude feeds me as an artist.

It’s simple, if you’re considering buying a piece and you think it would go well with your home, do it! It’s a huge win for you if you can find art that resonates with you. Trust me, they will continue to pay dividends each time you look at them. Here are a few other artists to check out: Kim, Saxon, and Rafael. Please find and purchase a piece you like: here’s mine.


Liking a certain piece